Giant dog George was granted “Dog’s Best Day” after assisting the girl to walk again.


Behold Bell and George. She is a typical 11-year-old girl with Morquio syndrome, which is a rare diagnosis. In essence, Bella’s illness implies that she is losing her mobility over time and that there is no way for her to regain it.

Her family received a detailed description of what will occur a few years ago: Eventually, their daughter won’t be able to move about on her own.


The dog entered the scene at that point. and Bella’s life was permanently altered.

Bella and George have a special bond. He is her service dog, and by assisting her in walking, he allows her to travel everywhere she wants. A harness with the words “service dog” and “do not pet” is fastened on his back.

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One day Bella made the decision that it was time for her devoted pet to take a break. She wanted to repay him for everything that he had done for her.

An event dubbed a “Dog’s Best Day” is organized by BarkPost, a well-known website, which Bella’s family contacted. The gang pledged to give George his “best day” ever after hearing Bella’s tale.

Bella had a ton of enjoyable activities lined up for the two of them to undertake. They shared burgers and played in the snow together, exactly as doggie loves to do, as she wanted to express her gratitude for all he does.

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Bella no longer needs a wheelchair to go about thanks to George. She loves the independence this provides her, and she has made a new closest friend in George.

You can see the video from “Dog’s Best Day” down below.

George is cheery and constantly smiling, and he’s always there to cheer you up, as Bella explains in her own words. My closest buddy is him.