Horse Gets Scared by Its Own Fart and Sends Rider Flying



In the world of equestrianism, unexpected and sometimes hilarious incidents are not uncommon with horses. One such amusing event involves a horse getting scared by its own fart, leading to a startled reaction that sends its rider flying. While this scenario may sound like a scene from a comedy, it underscores the unpredictable nature of horses and the importance of understanding their behavior. This article explores the various reasons why horses get scared, the potential dangers involved, and strategies for handling and preventing such situations, all through the lens of this humorous incident.

The Startle Reflex in Horses

Understanding Prey Animal Instincts

Horses, as prey animals, possess a highly developed startle reflex that is crucial for their survival in the wild. This instinctive response allows them to react quickly to perceived threats, often resulting in sudden movements such as bolting, rearing, or bucking. While this reflex is essential in natural settings, it can pose challenges in domesticated environments, especially when the trigger is something as benign as a loud fart.


Common Triggers for Fear

Horses can be spooked by a variety of stimuli, including loud noises, sudden movements, unfamiliar objects, or changes in their environment. Their acute senses and heightened awareness make them particularly sensitive to anything out of the ordinary. In the case of the horse frightened by its own fart, the unexpected sound likely triggered an automatic flight response, leading to the comical yet potentially dangerous incident.

The Incident: Horse Scared by Its Own Fart

The Event

In a video that has since gone viral, a equine is seen reacting in sheer panic to the sound of its own fart. The loud noise startles the horse, causing it to bolt and inadvertently throw its rider off. While the situation is undeniably humorous, it also highlights the unpredictable nature of these beauties and the importance of rider preparedness.

Rider’s Response

The rider, caught off guard by the mustang’s sudden movement, finds herself unseated and thrown to the ground. Fortunately, she appears to escape serious injury, but the incident serves as a reminder of the potential risks involved in riding. Experienced riders often know how to handle such situations, but even they can be taken by surprise when reacts unexpectedly.

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The Flight or Fight Response

Biological Basis

The flight or fight response is a physiological reaction that occurs in response to a perceived harmful event, attack, or threat to survival. In horses, this response is primarily geared towards flight, as running away from danger is their primary means of self-preservation. When a coltperceives a threat, adrenaline is released, leading to increased heart rate, heightened senses, and rapid movements.

Behavioral Manifestations

When scared, stallions may exhibit a range of behaviors including startling, spinning, bolting, rearing up, or bucking. These reactions can be dangerous for both the colt and the rider. Understanding these behaviors is crucial for anyone working with horses, as it enables them to respond appropriately and minimize risk.

Handling a Scared Horse

Strategies for Riders

For riders, knowing how to handle a scared horse is essential. Remaining calm and composed is the first step, as he can pick up on their rider’s emotions. Gentle but firm control of the reins can help guide and prevent it from bolting. Speaking in a soothing tone and avoiding sudden movements can also help calm the horse.

Importance of Training

Proper training is vital in preparing equines to handle unexpected situations. Desensitization, which involves gradually exposing the horse to various stimuli, can help reduce the likelihood of fear responses. This process should be started at a young age and continued throughout the theirs life to ensure it becomes accustomed to different sounds, sights, and experiences.

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Preventing Fear Responses

Desensitization Techniques

Desensitization involves gradually introducing to new stimuli in a controlled and safe environment. This could include exposure to loud noises, unfamiliar objects, and different environments. Over time, they learns that these stimuli are not threats, which helps reduce its fear responses.

Building Confidence

Building a horse’s confidence through positive reinforcement and consistent training can also help prevent fear responses. Rewarding for calm behavior and gradually increasing the level of exposure to potential triggers can help build a more confident and relaxed animal.

The Role of the Rider

Rider Preparation

Riders must be prepared for unexpected situations, understanding that even the most well-trained can have moments of fear. Wearing appropriate safety gear, such as helmets and body protectors, is crucial. Additionally, riders should be trained in how to fall safely to minimize injury in the event of an unplanned dismount.

Building a Strong Relationship

A strong bond between colt and rider can also help in managing fear responses. Trust and communication are key components of this relationship. Riders who spend time building trust with their horses are more likely to be able to calm them in stressful situations.

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The Importance of Humor

Finding Laughter in the Unexpected

While the incident of the horse scared by its own fart is undoubtedly humorous, it also serves as a reminder not to take ourselves too seriously. Laughter can be a valuable tool in coping with the unexpected challenges that come with working with animals. Embracing the lighter side of such incidents can help build resilience and a positive outlook.

Sharing the Joy

Sharing humorous stories and videos like this one can also help foster a sense of community among horse enthusiasts. It reminds us that even in the most serious of disciplines, there is always room for a good laugh.


The tale of a horse getting scared by its own fart and sending its rider flying is a delightful reminder of the unpredictable nature of these majestic animals. While the incident provides plenty of laughs, it also highlights the importance of understanding horse behavior, being prepared for the unexpected, and employing effective training techniques. By building strong relationships with our horses and equipping ourselves with the knowledge and skills to handle fear responses, we can ensure safer and more enjoyable experiences for both horse and rider.