5 Most Calm Horse Breeds


The Most Calm and Gentle Horse Breeds

The proper horse may make for an incredible experience!
I have always had a deep affection for horses. I was five or six years old when we acquired our first family horse, and I was eight years old when I got my own pony. I have handled and owned a lot of horses since then.

Quarter Horses, Appaloosas, Morgans, Thoroughbreds, Arabians, Paints, Tennessee Walking Horses, draft crosses, Welsh ponies, Shetland ponies, and miniature horses have been among the most common breeds. I have ridden some very fantastic horses, but I have also had a few that were challenging to handle and teach.


In general, certain breeds have superior temperaments and are typically calmer than others. Hot-blooded horses are thought to be more spirited and have shorter fuse times than other breeds, such as Barbs, Arabians, and Thoroughbreds. Draft breeds, or cold-bloods, are typically peaceful and easygoing. Here are some facts I hope will help you decide which of the prominent horse breeds are the calmest and most likely suitable for novices.

Recall that this is just meant to serve as a broad guideline and is based solely on my experiences. Each horse is different, having a distinct personality and degree of training. That being said, not every horse fits into a specific category. I once owned a thoroughbred mare who was among the kindest, calmest horses I have ever encountered.

Quarter Horses in America

This breed is my fave! The American Southwest is where the Quarter Horse got its start as a ranch horse. The majority of Quarter Horses have wonderful temperaments and are serene. In actuality, the majority of them prefer working and love to ride. It is innate in them. Working cattle, reining, trail riding, timed events, and pleasure riding are among their strong suits. The whole family may find that a good Quarter Horse is the ideal companion.

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The youngsters are riding this stallion, believe it or not!

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Walking Horses in Tennessee

This is another American breed that began its development in Tennessee in the late 1700s. In appearance, Walkers are usually tall, with an elegant look. They’re best known for their running walk gait, which is extremely smooth. If you want a comfortable ride, this might be the breed for you.

Tennessee Walking Horses are usually calm and take well to training. They’re also known for their surefootedness, making them great trail horse prospects. To give you an idea of just how unflappable these horses can be, they’re often used for hunting, where the riders might fire while mounted.

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The Morgan horses

The American breed known as the Morgan started to take shape in New England in the late 1700s. It is a musculoskeletal, well-built horse with a short, powerful back. These horses are eager participants in a wide range of chores and activities and seem to thrive on human connection.
They are often selected for mounted police because of their composed nature. Things like traffic, noise, and crowds do not appear to phase them. Because of their gentle personalities and tolerance for inexperienced riders, they are also often used as lesson horses.

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The Appaloosa

I have a soft spot for the Appaloosa horse breed. They have intriguing histories and lovely coat patterns. The Appaloosa originated in the northwest of the United States with the Nez Perce tribe. This tribe was among the first to start raising horses selectively.
Numerous Appaloosas, including mares, fillies, stallions, colts, and geldings, have been under my ownership and care.

There was not a nasty bone in any of them. While some were a bit more gregarious than others, none of them were frightened or flighty. They were not easily spookened. We rode them to work cattle, in parades, on trails, and in shows. We even rode a very mild stallion, which is often thought to be tough to handle, and it was nearly foolproof when it came to little riders and toddlers. The Appaloosa breed is also renowned for its sure footwork, which makes it an excellent trail horse.

Draft Crosses

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Due to their mild personalities and even temperaments, draft horses, such as Clydesdales, Percherons, Suffolk Punches, and Shires, are referred to as calm “gentle giants.” Of course, having a draft has its disadvantages.

First of all, their magnitude may be scary, particularly to inexperienced riders. A draft cross is a horse that is half saddle horse and half draft, so you might have the best of both worlds. A horse like this might make an excellent first mount for novices who want to ride for fun and trail riding. Obviously, a cross like this may also be utilized to haul huge goods and carts.

Another Important Aspect Is Age

An essential consideration when selecting a calm horse for a novice is the age of the animal as well as its training background. Because they have accumulated a great deal of experience, older horses tend to be calmer than younger ones.

Things that would frighten a younger horse who has not had as much exposure to the world of sights and noises typically do not startle them. Horses that are older often possess a “been there, done that” mentality.
Certain ignorant parents want to get a young horse for their kid in order for them to grow up with it. That was a bad choice! An inexperienced rider astride a young horse might spell trouble. Getting an older horse with plenty of saddle time is much preferable.